Eco-Friendly Car Wash Soap
Finding a high performance and genuinely eco-friendly car wash soap like CarKleen give you the flexibility to clean your vehicles without effluent worries.
A remarkable pet-safe, non-toxic, and non-hazardous detergent that is harmless in drains, ponds, a water course, or any aquatic environment, this is a car wash soap that you could drink that removes soiling with ease.
CarKleen is a British-made professional car cleaning eco-friendly product that is outstandingly safe, and low odour. It quickly cuts through dirt, fly splats, and traffic film while meeting vehicle washing regulations UK without the need for interceptor systems.
Available as ready-to-use (already diluted) or as a concentrate product, CarKleen offers staff safety and the ability to quickly clean trucks, buses, vans, or rolling stock.
CarKleen Ready-To-Use 20 Litres Jerrycan: £74.00 + VAT
CarKleen Concentrate 20 Litres Jerrycan: £195.00 + VAT
To place an order please follow this link.
Please be free to get in touch to discuss fleet or car cleaning challenges.