Eco Friendly Concrete Cleaner


As an eco friendly concrete cleaner chemical, BuildKleen is ideal for removing dirt, cement and algae from concrete surfaces both outside on paths, carparks, or patios and inside for polished floors in warehouses to lift soiling and rubber tyre marks. It is exceptionally safe for staff, the environment and as run-off.

Concrete Cleaner Chemical

Many competing products make use of biocides to kill algae and green growth or else various acids whereas with our pH neutral eco friendly concrete cleaner chemical you have a cutting-edge product using nanotechnology that has no acids, no biocides, and no bleach in it at all!

This makes BuildKleen an extraordinarily safe product for contractors and users needing to shift muck and restore a concrete surface. In fact, this product is certified as food-safe following testing by Campden BRI so there is no risk to pets or that the spray will kill plants or grass.

Users of the cleaner do not need any items of PPE and there are no hazard pictograms on the packaging; making it easier to transport by courier and store when on site.

How Does BuildKleen Work?

Using advanced formulation techniques, BuildKleen concrete cleaner chemical is a stable all-natural and long-life detergent product containing nanoenergy packages which surround soiling, penetrate deeply, and lift out the dirt or algae to take it away.

This is the key point to safety as there is a dislodging action as opposed to a killing of microbes’ action as is typically the objective with biocide-based cleaners used in softwashing and by some roof cleaning contractors.

Professional Patio Cleaner

Some praise the power of Sodium Hypochlorite in the exterior cleaning trade but this is a dangerous product needing careful handling, PPE, and care with fall-out or run-off, whereas BuildKleen is odourless and far safer and won’t kill nearby plants etc.

How Is It Supplied And What Does It Cost?

BuildKleen is supplied in 5 litre or 20 litre jerrycans and is mixed at ready-to-use dilution to go straight into action, we can supply IBC quantities on request, and we have UK-wide fast delivery service with APC Parcels.

Eco-Friendly Concrete Cleaner

How Is It Applied?

This non acid concrete cleaner chemical can be sprayed on generously, brushed or rolled or just poured on to the substrate – on a hot day, we would suggest lightly wetting concrete slabs first – move quickly to brush the surface methodically with a broom to agitate the cleaner and you should notice slight foaming which can be seen in this short video.

After application wait 15 minutes or so before rinsing well with plenty of water to wash away soiling and stop it from drying back in. More applications may be needed, particularly with spraying as less chemical will come in contact with the surface initially.

We are a friendly family run business; if you have any concrete cleaning challenges and want an honest conversation about the abilities of this cleaner, would like to try a sample, or would like safety data sheets then please do be free to contact us.

Acute Build Clean | 74 Bo’ness Road | Grangemouth | FK3 9BL

Tel: 01324 309100 | Email:

London Office | 47 Gee Street | Clerkenwell | London | EC1V 3RS

Tel: 0208 088 3703 | Email: