Clean Signs = Safe Signs
When large road signs are indicating important exits – for example to the M6 Toll or Glasgow Airport – you want them kept in the very best condition so that headlights pick out the reflective surface at night and drivers are kept safe with much less chance of misunderstanding leading to accidents.
When commuters and tourists, families, school-run mums, and truck drivers can be confident on the road because signs are kept clean then there is a ‘feel-good’ and relaxed factor leading to safer roads for all and better maintenance.
Clean Signs = Lower Costs
When signs anywhere – roads, ports, railway and tram stations, business warehouses, universities, and schools are kept clean – you can be surer that they are not corroding, or anything peeling and excessively faded by UV.
This just makes sense for lower costs and a longer service life portraying your brand or vital highway code signage better through using our eco-friendly sign cleaning chemical
Why Do You Have Signs Anyhow?
The immediate aim of spending many pounds, euros, or dollars on your signage is to strongly project your brand message or instructions on zones like the congestion zone, slipways, roundabout exits, duty-free, and directions.
Having spent large sums on installing these signs why wouldn’t you want to keep them clean and in good condition to present branding? You certainly don’t want signs that say – for example – ‘Welcome To Surrey’ or something that are covered in filth and algae do you?!

A Great Sign Cleaning Product – Why?
Its quite a claim to say that RoofKleen – our cladding and bus-shelter cleaning detergent is the perfect sign cleaning chemical but none the less we feel we can claim this! RoofKleen is a most remarkable entirely non-toxic, non- hazardous aqueous cleaning solution with almost no odour that is so safe to use that it is certified as food-safe! It will do no harm to you or to pets.
A highly innovative formulation uses nano-energy packages in the product to attack and dislodge grime, algae, and dirt by breaking the surface tension instead of killing the algae as happens with biocide-based exterior cleaning products.

Experience shows that as well as being pleasant to use, this is an effective hard surface cleaner that is more powerful than using de-ionised water and a quick spray from a professional knapsack sprayer then agitate and wipe off and hose down is all that is needed on these hard surfaces or for reflective road signs cleaning.
A perfect bus shelter cleaning chemical as no passengers need to worry about smells, poisons, deposits, or any kind of danger to cleaning staff whatever. RoofKleen sign cleaning chemical contains no biocides, disinfectants, bleach, acids, or alkalis. Want to know more or try a sample please get in touch?
How To Apply RoofKleen:
Use this ready-to-use strength sign cleaner without dilution by pouring on from the jerrycan or apply with a low-pressure sprayer such as is used for liquid weed killer. Saturate the sign’s surface well and then agitate with a stiff or soft brush to aid the cleaning action; rinse and wipe off to take away dislodged dirt.
SDS Datasheet Download Link For Sign Cleaning Chemical
Sign Cleaning Equipment
At Acute Build Clean we sell a range of professional exterior cleaning equipment or sign cleaning machines like reach and wash system water-fed pole brushes and pressure washers that you can see on this link and purchase online.

Talk to us further about your sign cleaning challenges today.
Acute Build Clean | 74 Bo’ness Road | Grangemouth | FK3 9BL
London Office | Design Hub Clerkenwell | 47 Gee Street | London | EC1V 3RS